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... OPEN TO ALL RELIGIONS ... THIS' "GOOD v's EVIL" and EVIL has a head start.








Nobody needs to know me. Everybody though needs to know what's been done to me, because there are others out there too who've suffered similar fates and to date the general populace - by which I mean just about everybody else - is oblivious to the fact that their governments are sanctioning and covering up the implanting of innocent people with technology.

I'll make no secret of it, the objective here is to prove to others that I am telling the truth, which, it's hoped, may just go some way towards fuelling the pressure that's mounting worldwide to expose these awful crimes and flagrant human rights abuses. Then perhaps I can be separated from these tortuous devices in my person and live some semblance of a civilised existence.

This' all rather heavy duty stuff though, so I'm not averse to humouring matters and will try to - but please, read what I have to say and know that I'm telling the truth. If everybody in the country were to do likewise, then without question you would see "Real Political Change" in your time, because you would not stand for anything but if armed on mass with this knowledge.

"Disobedience in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion. Intellectual rebellion and peaceful with it one would hope ... it is the year 2009. Just take their jobs off them; then nick them".

Furthermore, I want to stress that this is not to be an attack on the British State System overall; because if indeed it were entirely corrupt I would not be sitting here now. By exposing what I am to here though, I will be questioning not only the integrity of our legal and law enforcement sectors if they fail to act, but the actual legitimacy of their existence in their current forms altogether. In order to achieve this, I am going to have to face up to issues 'publicly' that nobody should ever have to do; just know that I'm doing this for the greater good and not out of any misguided sense of vanity, for it may be the last thing that I ever do.

Be aware too that I may well be destroying the lives of others in exposing the parts they've played in the persecution I've been enduring my entire life, but that I could not and would not do this unless they were deserved of it - my conscience simply would not allow it otherwise. What will be will be; but if no investigation is forthcoming and beyond this no arrests made, then rest assured, you - and particularly your children and theirs - will continue to live lifes shrouded in ignorance and controlled by fear.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for my shield is my honour and my sword the truth".

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?

"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam - Anno Domini".

(Which I predict will be soon - flippin hope so at any rate: art thou ere ain't holdin his breath until though ... know that).

<--------------------------------------- b="" s="" then="" this="" what="">

The above picture doesn't exist. Its not real , according to your government that is, regardless of the fact it's of a biomedical implant removed from another target and that it matches the exact design specifications of devices that have been officially submitted for patent.

Now ... this factor may make you chuckle, because I'm either the most creatively brilliant benefit fraudster ever and have been rinsing the system for years, or, as the case is, it's been accepted I'm telling the truth. Yes the good people at the DWP gave me a very hard time some years back, but I faced an independent tribunal panel who accepted the evidence I provided in my defence and since they've been the most humane people I've had to deal with. I hasten to add too that at that time I had no scans and in comparison to what I have now, very little by way of hard proofs. What I could prove was that my life had been manipulated to a ridiculous degree and that I'd historically been locked up for months on the back of what was proven to be totally fabricated evidence. And then some of course, but I'll spare you the finite details, suffice to say that I won an independent legal tribunal regarding this too and it was accepted that I'd been treated and detained illegally. Could I get any recompense beyond this though? Like heck I could, I couldn't even get a phone call taken let alone a letter answered. The DWP though, I've been writing to them for ten years, everything has unfolded during this time and the development of the chain of events my correspondence describes just simply compounds everything I've claimed historically. Unlike others, they have to deal with me though, and that's it. I can exist, but have to opt out of just about every activity in life that "should" be open to me, I can get help from nowhere, so, I'm going to sit here and bang out my angst on my computer.

I've described my time historically as feeling like I've been in one long boxing match, in which I'm blindfolded and fighting several sighted opponents. I have been battered quite literally in just about every way possible and, there is no other term for it, "tortured" at will for what now amounts to decades.

Let me too make the point that I'm more than capable of earning a very good living, I'm a salesman, making money isn't as difficult for me ordinarily as it is for most. Currently I budget to live on £5 a day once my overheads are covered, which enables me to have a few beers with friends occasionally and in turn have an amount of social contact. Most of my time is spent in isolation and simply coping. Coping with unbelievable levels of horrendous pain and associated problems, whilst being aware that everything has and is being purposefully inflicted upon me and that - just like it is for many others, as I've said - there is little chance of ever getting help or rest bite whatsoever.

[Below is a letter I wrote many years ago now in explanation as to what is wrong with me].

About my illness or disability

I have two protrusions at the back of my mouth, situated in the fleshy areas either side of my throat, I suppose where I'm describing is in the proximity of the centre of my head in its entirety and adjacent to the rears of my cheek bones, just in front of my ears. These protrusions I would describe as being well over a centimetre in length when fully extended and feel somewhat like short pieces of wire with a girth of around two millimetres. I say fully extended because whatever they are they move around and can curl as a finger does or bend in different directions, most commonly backwards into the roof of my mouth/throat. Depending on the position they're in, it seems, they do cause a variety of pains, swellings and what I can only describe as intense pressure in my head. This often prompts swelling in my inner ears and then lesions appear in my outer ear which scab over with discharge. I often have a high pitch screaming in my head accompanied by horrendous pain around my eye sockets, cheek bones, temple areas and the bony lumps behind my ears. The pressure in my head is constant, it just varies in intensity and I often have to continually gyrate my lower jaw to relieve the pressure in my head, face, ears and neck. Less frequently I get pains that resonate from the areas of these protrusions that travel down my neck, down my arms and through my torso pulling everything tight as they do. I'm helpless when this happens and can do nothing but lie down or curl up until it passes - which for the record can be up to 24 hours at a time.

Matters do not stop with my head and upper body, in my lower back I get pain of a similar intensity to that in my head, which in turn effects my midriff, my legs and I get awful pain in the soles of my feet.

I could go on listing problems that I have to cope with but I believe I've conveyed clearly enough that my whole person is effected almost constantly, with the areas of real intensity being my head, my lower back and to a lessor degree and frequency my torso, legs, arms and feet.

Now take a look at a photograph of a Cochlear Implant again:

Uncanny hey? Particularly given I wrote the above letter years prior to seeing a picture of one of these implants.

Now check out what can be seen in my cochlear regions on this scan ...

Yep, two protrusions showing just as described.

Then check out the rear view once more ...

Foreign bodies clearly present in the cochlear regions and attached to the lower part of my brain.

Things get really interesting now though ...

Oh wow!? On the left side - as you view it - a probe which has been inserted into the suture of my brain is again clearly visible. Then if you look closer still, fragments of another probe on the other side have evidently worked their way into the soft tissue, it having been broken on receipt of one of the massive blows I have taken to the head in my time. Amazing what they could do way back in the 1970's hey - though you might think they'd have asked my permission to put it in there mind!?

Now factor in that the upside down white triangular shape below my brain is a 'truss'. One which is connected by micro-wiring to not only the implants in my head, but thereafter is threaded throughout my body and linked to others in other parts of my anatomy as well.

Throw it all together and what do we get ... ?


[AKA a Torture Victim and Human Vivisection Subject - linked using ELF Radio Waves via satellite to a Supercomputer]


Joy of Joys ... eh?

Joy of Joys ... eh?
And these are 'short' lists!!

The question remains one of 'Freedom or Not'?

The only reason I can conjure to explain why 'nothing' has
been done to help me since my circumstances gained so much exposure is that
I've been right in what I've been stating. On many fronts, but predominantly in
explaining that those behind the agenda I've been snared by are intent on
controlling everybody via technological means.

In fact they can, or could, but they want your consent prior
to rolling things out. Without this they will remain as criminals - thus living
in fear - because they're rendered unable to write your history for you if you
are 'aware'.

Know the truth; it 'could' keep you free. As I truly wish I could be.

The rest is up to y'all.


Says it ALL!!!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Operation You-Lot-Tree - 'Meeting the Targeted Individual Community' [Post One]

Taking stock on the last fifty years is a trigger city visit for me, of course, though triggers generally barely or don't register much at all these days as they're absorbed via layers of things like knowledge, insight, awareness and therefore a great deal of the absolute truth of matters. Though it's bearing true that there is little great-fullness to be had from seemingly the vast majority of others when espousing truth(s). Particularly great big fat ones.

Wrote recently to official bodies at a senior level and explained I'm in possession of a 'Hive Mind', that I'm a Targeted Individual - amongst other things - and want nothing other than to talk to people. Furthermore that I'd be willing to travel to any location to be interviewed/interrogated concerning anything I've stated or any accusation leveled against me - be it historic or recent. Just so long as said body is the police … any.

So, safe in the knowledge that the above is the case I'm assuming the right to get on with my life as I've lived it, which is by way of doing sweet fa which may have a negative impact on my peace of mind. Unless of course I do so knowing there's a risk of incurring such, but its for a worthwhile cause and ultimately I'll be able to deal with it because it's not wrong.

About done with other people in large part I am, my involvement with others has only led to disappointment and flack I could well do without. If you're going to 'do a job properly, you do-it-yourself'.

It's imperative that I remain as sensible as can be given recent developments and not only for the sake of myself, there are a few other people I'm trying to help and have been doing so at great risk to myself. Though for the time being I'll keep what I'm referring to in-house, as in to myself until it's deemed beneficial or necessary to go public with said information; but some real progress has been achieved. However, readers of this blog will be aware that it's my intention - starting at the very beginning, from my earliest memories - to lay bare the conspiracy that is my life. Hence I've spent quite some time of late trawling through old photographs and documents in preparation of doing so. Take note too that not only will I be putting things down in writing now, but that I'm to be making a series of documentaries in support of the text that's produced in addition to this. Once my next moving picture project is finished, which will be soon, it's these I'm going to be focussing on and I do feel confident that my competence levels re editing film have reached a level at which I'll be able to produce very watchable quality material. Audio has been a problem since I began making what I call 'de-programmes' - I have worked thus far with pretty low end equipment - though thanks to a friend who's given me a much better microphone this is no longer going to be such an issue. Some fascinating exposé's heading your way then if you stay tuned - and that's a promise!

So what's my reason for entitling this post 'Meeting the Targeted Individual Community'? Well … essentially it's because I've dedicated most of my time, energy and resources in recent years toward trying to assist certain individuals and organisations that portray themselves as being a part of the whole of this. Something that I'm certainly not going to be focusing on wholeheartedly any longer; though it remains my intention to promote some I deem worthy of my doing so via Ti-Television, but my days of involving myself directly with them - unless they're already known and trusted by me - are done with bar my being presented with very appealing inducement(s) to do so. In other words from here on in it's going to have to be in my best interests or its 'No Way Jose'! Though it's the rationale behind my making such a statement which has prompted this post - now I've taken some time out in the wake of my involvement with those alluded to previously. Because I have encountered some bleeding awful people, that not only do I want absolutely nothing more to do with, but that others should certainly be giving a very wide birth to too. The levels of hypocrisy encountered via said involvement literally makes a mockery of everything, and not only of what the decent ones amongst them are trying to achieve - which is the exposure of their torment and suffering - but of their own exertions.

Casting my mind back to over a decade ago; just prior to encountering the doctor who saved my life in performing an operation on me and a time when my physical person was in an incredibly serious state of decline because I could get no medical assistance whatsoever. No medical assistance with an issue a consultant at Kings College Hospital had four years previous to this time explained was killing me. A meeting I've detailed before in another post and one in which said consultant actually stated that he couldn't believe I was still alive at that point. He was the person who initially explained to me that I was implanted with technology and furthermore that it was in the process - as I've said - of terminating my life. Doing so very slowly and incredibly painfully as my Wisdom Teeth were 'trying to grow' naturally into the area of my mouth that they ordinarily do, but that with me, could not as implants had been deliberately and surreptitiously screwed to my jaw to prevent them from doing so. Moving implants - telescopic ones - which to boot were regularly pushing with real force into the deep lying fledgling teeth. The swelling of my gums and throat was immense, so much so I could barely swallow food at times and it was also explained it was causing a something-embolism. I don't recall the prefix used, but for those who're unfamiliar with what an embolism is, as I was then, below is a description:

An embolism is the lodging of an embolus, a blockage-causing piece of material, inside a blood vessel.[1] The embolus may be a blood clot (thrombus), a fat globule (fat embolism), a bubble of air or other gas (gas embolism), or 'foreign material'.

It should be noted that again as explained previously, the implants inside my person are networked, connected by micro-wiring and therefore at this juncture with all the pressure being applied internally everything was constricting. So when I use the phrase absolute agony I mean it; my entire anatomy was effected too, not only my mouth and throat regions. I still bear scars and swellings on the surface of my skin in areas from this, notably at the top of my spine as being crushed internally clearly caused a great deal of damage which surfaced leaving these physical reminders beyond my being released from the intense hellish torture endured over a what was an eight year period. The closest thing I've encountered since to mirroring the experience I'm attempting to accurately convey here was what the rat in the following newspaper article was enduring prior to being found by a farmer in India. Check it out and perhaps you'll get somewhere near to being able to comprehend my prolonged ghastly experience - which is putting it mildly. [link in red]

"Neighbours filmed the rat, which was said to be in 'immense pain', and Mr Singh removed the sapling after taking the rodent home".

NB. The rat got a whole load of attention from mainstream media globally, but on establishing the legitimacy of my case the national press here were censored prior to going to print on the story. And yeah, I've remained im-planted to this very day and it still fookin hurts like a bitch!!

So, excuse my digressing please, back to the time described above when a friend I'd known for some years was encouraging me to go online and seek out others making similar claims to myself in order to connect with them? "I've looked", I told her. "It all just seems so bonkers, I've got hard evidence, have won a legal tribunal and it's so difficult to ascertain who's genuine and who's not so I've stayed out of things". I still harboured hopes of resuming my career as well and didn't think such would prove to be a prudent move given this. But before long it became apparent that the operation I'd had wasn't proving to be the long term solution to my woes as I'd hoped - I was still somewhat in denial myself re what doctors had explained to me - my issues continued and even though I'd managed to get back to working full time it had become impossible to keep this up. I quit, had no choice really and even though I'd been making lot's of money my position had become unsustainable. Physically it was too much, far too much to cope with alongside the targeting and if I hadn't taken that decision I do seriously doubt I'd have lived much longer. I took to resting a lot, eating as well I could, as a consequence got stronger and the following year in 2009 started writing this blog as a means to communicate my circumstances outwardly. Remaining reluctant to engage directly with others online I maintained a focus on merely surviving, keeping myself to myself whilst engaging where and when I could with official bodies. Which paid off eventually because when I managed to meet with doctors from the DWP whose role was to assess my ability to work, they accepted the evidence I presented and thereafter awarded me disability benefits. Prior to this time I was in receipt of about £56 a week, a sum I don't need to emphasise to anybody that is wholly insufficient to live independently in London as I was. So at this juncture a great deal of pressure in trying to deal with the practicalities of life was lifted too. Hardly flush, but able to cope if I remained very sensible and my health did continue generally to improve over time. Had rough times still of course, but adapting to focussing on coping made all the difference.

Fast forwarding again then to 2014, beyond my speaking publicly for the first time, as of course then I began to receive a degree of attention, namely and largely from people within the so called 'Targeted Individual Community' because the technology aside it had been TI's I'd spoken of.

Some of the first were the dubious couple pictured below, a certain Ged Monty - or Jed, he uses both names - and a woman from Florida called Sandy Logan Kay. They explained to me they'd had an extremely close online relationship for a considerable amount of time, that they were TI's and Ged was prominent on Facebook as somebody who was very knowledgeable on the topic. I had a dormant account on Facebook I'd created a few years prior to this time but never used and was persuaded to hook up with them on there. Whereupon I also began to do likewise with others - as you do.

Ged Monty and Sandy Logan Kay
I spoke with Ged over the phone and he'd explained the speech I'd delivered resonated closely with his own life story. It seemed inevitable that I was now going to be involving myself in the bigger picture so I hired a car and went to meet him in Milton Keynes where he was residing at the time. Hadn't been given any reason to doubt his TI status and after spending a night in his house I certainly was convinced of it, not least because the effects of the DEW's [Directed Energy Weapons] experienced there I swear turned me purple at times. The intensity of these was exceedingly high and his testimony had to be genuine as he couldn't have gained the insights he had without directly experiencing what he spoke of. Clearly too, even though nobody should have to deal with all he was and still is, he was not a person who appeared deserved of persecution at all - let alone the horrendous systematic technological kind he was.

Time moved on, we stayed in touch and I went on to speak publicly on other occasions about the Targeted Individual controversy. As a result of doing so I was invited to speak in Warsaw, Poland in 2016 and accepted said invitation. Sandy, Ged's cohort had stayed in touch via Facebook as well and explained to me she was friends with Max Spiers; somebody who was also speaking at the same conference and had recently travelled to Croydon with the event organisers to meet up with me. The details of which, the meeting that is, will be of great interest to many as beyond the conference alluded to Max was to die under suspicious circumstances and there's been a great deal of reporting on this in the mainstream media internationally since. Though I hasten to add even though I'd been one of the last people to spend time with him beyond the conclusion of the conference, no organisation including the BBC which produced a documentary on matters were to contact me at all, even though others close to him had urged them to do so and given them my contact details. I had to explain to quite a few people that I was well known in media circles, but that it was also well known a media blackout concerning my circumstances was in place and therefore none would be allowed to interview me. Max was supposed to have been traveling back to London with me too, we were booked on the same flight, though he changed his mind at the last minute for reasons I won't go into here and now.

Max Spiers

This post and a subsequent one is for the purpose of exposing the afore mentioned 'Sandy Logan Kay' for what she is and what the really really sick puppy went out of her way to do beyond my encountering/hosting her.
Be really handy right now if Max was still around, it would, but alas he's not. What you got re information concerning his death was influenced heavily by a certain Miles Johnston who I've encountered on several occasions - but take note; he was at the conference in Poland myself and Max were at and I never uttered a word to him. Indeed didn't even stand close to him at any point, which notably to my knowledge neither did Max. He was telling me things I wouldn't accept, really serious shoite, about Miles yes and Miles was as white as a sheet throughout the weekend whenever I caught sight of him.

Why … ?

Well, kept my mouth shut long time now to absorb the bullshit; watch it go down and position myself to respond to it with the benefit of hindsight. I have … or ave, even.

Patience, ti's a virtue you know … !?

And I, practice what I preach.